Which Type of Denture is Right for Me?

You may not realise that there’s more than one type of denture to choose from. The denture that most suits one person may be different for the next person. Here we explain the different types of dentures and how you can make the right decision. 

All types of dentures and dental prosthetics have their advantages and disadvantages, so we’ll point out what they are so you can ask the right questions at your appointment and help you decide. 

Full Dentures 

Traditional dentures are known as full or complete dentures. They are used when all the teeth on the upper and lower arches have fallen out and/or been removed. Complete dentures are made from a pink resin base to look like the gum tissue and the teeth are shaped and coloured to look natural for the owner’s age and gender. 

Full dentures can’t be finalised until the gums have healed after remaining teeth have been removed. This can take four to six weeks. During this time, immediate dentures can be worn to help with eating and speaking and for a patient’s aesthetics and self-confidence. The immediate dentures may need to be adjusted as the gums heal to ensure they continue to fit snugly. 

Advances in technology have improved the aesthetics over the years and now dentures look very similar to natural teeth, so no one need know that they aren’t your own. 

Advantages of Full Dentures 

· The most cost-effective denture option. 

· Maintenance of full dentures can be completed the same day using our in-house laboratory. 

Disadvantages of Full Dentures 

· Jawbone shrinkage may result in dentures needing to be relined which is a soft material that acts as a temporary solution. 

· Dentures are removed for sleeping and placed in a jar of water or denture solution. 

· Dentures may need to be held in place with dental adhesive which can be messy to apply and may need to be re-applied during the day to maintain a snug fit. 

For those patients who have some of their natural teeth remaining, they may be suitable candidates for partial dentures. Partial dentures are made from metal, resin and flexible options to fit alongside natural teeth. 

Implant Dentures 

Implant dentures are also known as fixed dentures, but they are removable. Usually, two to four dental implants are placed on the upper or lower arch to anchor the dentures in place. 

Implant supported and retained dentures are a hybrid of dental implants bridges and dentures. They’re more affordable than dental implant fixed bridges but offer the reliability of an implant. Not everyone is a good candidate for implant dentures. If a person lost some of their natural teeth months or years ago, they may not have the jawbone density needed to anchor an implant in place. 

Advantages of Implant Dentures 

· More cost effective than dental implants fixed bridges. 

· No need to use adhesive or worry about a denture mishap while eating or speaking. 

· Reduced risk of jawbone loss after natural teeth are removed. 

· Don’t rely on muscles and gums which may be in decline to hold dentures in place. 

Disadvantages of Implants Dentures 

· More expensive than full dentures. 

· Slightly longer recovery time after implants inserted compared to only removing teeth. 

· Can wear out faster than full dentures. 

· Do need to be removed for sleeping like complete dentures. 

· Potential for infection and other health risks. 

Make an Appointment to Discuss 

There’s no need to make up your mind what treatment you will have before seeing your prosthodontist. Listen to your options and ask as many questions as you need to help with your decision-making process. Most dentures last you a lifetime, so you want to be happy with your choice. Call us on (08) 9321 1632 or contact us online to make an appointment.