Dr Bradley Shepherd

Specialist Prosthodontist


Bradley Shepherd is a registered Specialist Prosthodontist located in Perth. He qualified from the Perth Dental School (University of Western Australia) in 1982 and went to work in London for 2 years. On his return in 1985, he joined Dr Ron Rankine-Wilson in practice at Ventnor Avenue in West Perth and concurrently completed his Master of Dental Science in Prosthodontics under the supervision of Professor Patrick Henry. In 1994 he became sole practice owner and began the process of building a team of dentists dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry. In 1999, he relocated the practice to 64 Havelock Street, West Perth. This marked the transition of the growing practice into a state of the art facility. “Given that every patient has unique requirements I am striving to find the optimal option for treatment. Using an evidence based approach and expertise acquired over three decades the aim is to provide optimal cosmetic, functional and durable results within a set of guidelines relevant to each individual patient”. In addition to the time devoted to clinical management he has been actively involved in many dental institutions and professional committees. He is currently involved in the DClinDent (Pros) program at the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia. Dr Shepherd has a special interest in interdisciplinary assessment and management and has co-authored a chapter in a textbook entitled “Esthetics and Biomechanics in Orthodontics” with Dr Brent Allan (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon) and Dr Mithran Goonewardene (Specialist Orthodontist).

Membership in Professional Bodies:

– International College of Prosthodontists

– The Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists – Life Member by Election only

– The Australian Prosthodontic Society

– The Australian Osseointegration Society

– The Australian Dental Association

– The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

– International College of Dentists (membership by invitation only)

– Pierre Fauchard Academy (membership by invitation only)

Work Experience

Clinical Demonstrator at Oral Health Centre of Western Australia (2018 -present)

Consultant Prosthodontist at Princess Margaret Hospital (1989-1992)

President (local branch): The Australian Prosthodontic Society (1996-1998)

President: The Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists (2004-2006)

Chair of Standards Committee for peer review for Prosthodontics ( 2009-2018)

Prosthodontic consultant for Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Prosthodontics) program and Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry for the University of Sydney

Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons – Board of Studies in Prosthodontics (2007-2017)