Category / Cosmetic Dentistry / Dental
Connection Between Your Mood & Your Smile
It’s long been known that there is a connection between your physical health and your mental health. For example, going to the gym releases endorphins, which can make you feel better and happier. On the other end of the scale, if your body isn’t feeling well, or you are under the weather, your mood can…
Receding Gums & Dentures: Should I be Worried?
We have long understood that with age comes gum recession. To put it more bluntly, we are talking about people getting ‘long in the tooth.’ Where the gum pulls away from the tooth, making the tooth appear longer. However, this can actually happen at any age, regardless of how thorough you are with your dental…
Mistakes You Might be Making When Brushing Your Teeth
No matter what dental specialist you see for any treatment, your own oral care when at home is key—at the basic level that is how to clean your teeth. A regular cleaning routine is vital for your overall dental health. Your teeth are constantly exposed to acids and bacteria that can contribute to decay. To…
Reflux (GERD) & Dental Erosion
Stomach upsets can affect your dental health by gradually wearing away the protective enamel of your teeth. Known as tooth erosion, the appearance and colour of your teeth can be affected by the increase in acid in your mouth caused by the digestive system. Acid reflux or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) happens when the upper…
Dietary Habits & Tooth Decay
Throughout our life, our teeth and gums are exposed to many things that may lead to gum disease or tooth loss. The most common oral diseases are tooth decay and periodontal disease. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, in combination with healthy lifestyle choices, will help avoid these two diseases. Did you…
Why Are My Teeth Yellow?
Discoloured and yellow teeth are not necessarily a sign of a dental issue, but they may be a reason a person chooses not to smile openly. Improving the colour of your smile can be done using over-the-counter products or seeing a dental specialist for a polish and whitening. To get a white smile, it is…
Sensitive Teeth: Tips to Put it Behind You
If you have ever bit into hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and felt pain in your teeth, then you may have sensitive teeth. This is the result of the enamel that protects our teeth getting thinner which causes dentin to be exposed. Depending on how much dentin is exposed, the sensitivity can be mild,…
Keeping Bad Breath at Bay
Bad breath, or halitosis as it is called medically, is a preventable condition that we all want to avoid if possible. Unlike the occasional moment of bad breath from what we just ate, Halitosis is considered bad breath beyond a socially acceptable level that is ongoing and may require a consultation with your dentist. What…
What Does Science Say About Smiling?
The Benefits of Smiling Smiling Makes You Happy – When we smile the muscles in our jaw contract, firing a signal back to the brain, which stimulates the ‘reward system’. This, in turn, increases our endorphins, otherwise known as the ‘happy hormone.’ So, if you want to feel better and happy, just smile. The feedback…
Do I Have Sleep Apnoea?
Regularly not getting enough sleep can be harmful to your health, but so can snoring. Not only does it affect your partner’s sleep, which might lead to you getting a polite jab to your side, but it could be a sign of something more sinister known as sleep apnoea. So, if you think you are…