Category / Dental / Health

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  • Mistakes You Might be Making When Brushing Your Teeth 

    No matter what dental specialist you see for any treatment, your own oral care when at home is key—at the basic level that is how to clean your teeth.  A regular cleaning routine is vital for your overall dental health. Your teeth are constantly exposed to acids and bacteria that can contribute to decay. To…

  • Gingivitis – What you Need to Know About the Causes and Treatment

    No doubt you’re familiar with the term gingivitis. But do you know what it means for your teeth and gums if you have it?  Find out the causes and treatment options. 

  • How You Can Tell You’re Mouth Breathing at Night

    If you snore at night, it is likely a family member will tell you. If you breathe through your mouth at night, it’s less likely anyone will notice. But it is worth looking out for the signs that you are breathing through your mouth while you sleep. Mouth breathing can impact your oral and general…

  • Seven Ways to Make your Teeth Whiter

    No one wants yellow teeth. Stained teeth can reduce self-confidence and can make person look older as it’s a common sign of aging.  It is possible to prevent and rectify yellowed teeth.    #1 Reduce Consumption of Staining Foods and Drinks Prevention is better than cure as the saying goes. There are foods and drinks that…

  • The Psychology Behind Our Smile

    We all know the power of a smile. When someone smiles at you, it’s instinct to smile back. Smiling has several benefits that aren’t as obvious as a returned smile but can do wonders for your physical and mental health. What Happens When We Smile? Smiling activates neural messaging in the brain that improve your…

  • What Happens to Our Teeth as We Age?

    No one likes growing old. The mind isn’t as sharp as it once was and the body wears out. Not surprising, our teeth are no different. They’ve had to work hard every day. They’ve been used to bite and chew food, made it possible for us to speak and played a part in maintaining our…