Category / Restorative Dentistry

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  • Do you Need a Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

    You may have heard of a full mouth restoration and wondered if you’re a candidate. There’s several prosthodontic procedures that can be used on their own or in combination to restore your smile to how it was. Some people choose to use a combination of procedures to completely makeover their smile and function. What is…

  • Why You Should Replace That Tooth

    It’s common to lose the odd adult tooth. Many people feel it’s a normal part of getting older. Some act straight away to replace the tooth while others aren’t bothered by the appearance of the missing tooth and assume that because they have plenty of other teeth it won’t impact on function that much. But…

  • How You Benefit From Our In-House Technician

    Not many prosthodontists in Australia can say they have a technician in the same building preparing their patients dental prosthetics. But for us at the Western Prosthodontic Centre, it was important that we invested in the staff and equipment so that our laboratory was in the same building. The Problem with Overseas Labs More dentists…

  • Why Implants Aren’t the Only Answer to Missing or Damaged Teeth

    Many adults are told by their dentist that their tooth (or teeth) can’t be saved, and an implant is their best option. They may come to see us for a second opinion, and we’ll disagree. While we believe implants are an excellent option, we think they should be used as a last option when a tooth can’t be saved.

  • Do I Need a Full Mouth Restoration?

    When you look in the mirror and all you see is problem teeth, you might think a full mouth restoration is in order. Restoring teeth can involve whitening, straightening and reshaping teeth. Some treatment methods involve working with the natural teeth, but many use a foreign material to gain the best result. What is a…

  • Dental Implants Vs Dentures – Which is Best?

    The debate about whether dental implants are better than dentures has been going for years. It’s the old option versus the new. Some people are staunchly in the dental implant camp, while others won’t consider anything but dentures. Read the pros and cons of each alternative.

  • Why You Should Replace a Missing Tooth

    Our teeth are some of the hardest working parts of our body. We use them multiple times per day to bite, tear and chew our food. But we’re living longer than ever before, and some people’s teeth wear out before the rest of their body.

  • What is Restorative Dentistry?

    Restorative dental treatments may be needed as we age or suffer an injury, to restore our natural smile and prevent future oral health problems.  Restorative dentistry is the term used for replacing and repairing missing or damaged teeth to revive normal function and appearance. Restorative dentistry uses a range of services including fillings, crowns, bonding, onlays, inlays and…